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Latest happy fun PayPal scam

Hans Eisenman posts on a new Paypal phishing twist. Nothing that extraordinary as far as phishing (they are doing basic URL spoofing), but it is an ugly one that will very likely take someone’s money — at least someone who is not aware. Until other...

CounterSpy running on Vista

This is more fun than anything else.  Nifty screen shots here. This is more of a general sampling of Vista screen shots, with some of CounterSpy running.(Disclaimer:  Vista is beta software, and CounterSpy is not fully tested to run on this platform, your...

Enterprise antispyware review at eWeek

You can see the short list here.They have a good list of desired features, which I have taken the liberty of reprinting:“Enterprise-class anti-spyware systems are an emerging and rapidly evolving product class. Solutions fall into three main categories at this...