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Email spyware

It turns out that one of the methods HP investigators used was a service called ReadNotify.  It’s a tracker that tells someone when an email is open by a designated recipient.   Basically, it drops a small amount of html code into an email that...

Reminder: CounterSpy 2.0 beta available

If you’d like to test our new beta 2.0, please follow the instructions in this post. I think it’s a pretty cool new product and we’d really appreciate any feedback you might have on it. To my competitors:  Hey, you’ll just have to wait...

Just a reminder

Just a reminder to do the following before patching your system from Microsoft with the VML patch:If you’ve unregistered the vgx.dll, you will need to re-register it.  This can be done by typing the following command in the StartRun dialog:regsvr32...