by Alex Eckelberry | Dec 31, 2005 | Uncategorized
Last night I was checking our website from home and the connection was brutally slow. I managed to catch our head of IT via Instant Messenger and he checked into it. Well, it turns out that a major blog was linking to our Silly Putty Physics Experiment and it...
by Alex Eckelberry | Dec 31, 2005 | Uncategorized
I recently picked this one up on a Borland alumni list I’m part of — the Computer History Museum is working on a cool project to document the histories of key software companies. It’s still evolving, but if you worked for any of the companies listed...
by Alex Eckelberry | Dec 31, 2005 | privacy
I had the pleasure of attending a Boxing Day dinner last Monday with some British friends, and had an animated discussion with one Brit about the fact that in the UK, practically of your moves are being recorded on cameras. This started with the discussion of the fact...
by Alex Eckelberry | Dec 31, 2005 | Uncategorized
Wired writes about click fraud. Yes, there is click fraud, but this article includes breathless statements like “It’s search giants against scam artists in an arms race that could crash the entire online economy.” Excerpt: Pay-per-click is the...
by Alex Eckelberry | Dec 31, 2005 | Uncategorized
Just a reminder that if you are using Snort rules for this exploit, check for updates. Bleeding- Edge Snort has posted a newer one here. Also if you are using Snort rules in the free Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall, update your signatures to the latest (simply append...