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Movie time!

Here’s a great way to while away your New Years Day — watch uber-guru Mark Russinovich’s video on malware detection and cleaning!Link here via Sandi.Alex Eckelberry(Since I was married on New Years Eve 20 years ago, I will be spending most of New...

BoingBoing’s site stats

BoingBoing has its web stats available for public viewing. Some mildly interesting information, including the fact that Firefox readers account for over 50% of their readership (my blog, on the other hand, has about 35% of its readers using Firefox).BoingBoing is a...

Antispyware domain sells for $550k

Got this tidbit from Larry Seltzer: SpywareBot just bought the domain “” for $550,000.According to a post today in DomainNameWire:Afternic has sold for $550,000, making it one of the biggest domain name sales of 2006. The...

RSS madness?

Apparently my move to the new blogger may have caused a number of old and new posts to get pushed out. So ignore these if you get them. Sorry for the hassles!This Blogger upgrade hasn’t been the best experience. Biggest problem is my favorite blogging programs,...

Two new rogue antispyware apps

Two new ones…Spyware Knightspywareknight(dot)comSpySoldierspysoldier(dot)comBoth domains registered through EST Domains.Complaint about aggressive, deceptive pop-up advertising for both programs here.Web page advertising both here. Both have been entered into...