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Now for something completely OT

Hard to believe it’s already getting to the end of summer for many of you.So here’s a vid of Mike Parsons in one of the greatest surfing shots ever taken. And yes, it’s real. In my gangly younger days, I used to surf in California. But I think I would have run...

Video of Bank of India infestation

You can see a video made by Roger Thompson of how the Bank of India infection looks to the user.The vid’s a bit rough at the moment, and some of the bits are currently unreadable, but we’ll be editing it as we go, so clearer versions will soon be...

Update on the Bank of India situation

The Bank of India site is now clean, thanks to the hard work of a number people involved in security and takedown.It’s worth checking the original blog, which was updated as we got more information through the evening.The hack was related to the Russian Business...

Breaking: Bank of India seriously compromised

We have discovered that the Bank of India’s site, bankofindia(dot)com is compromised and is serving malware. DO NOT VISIT THIS SITE.The following code can be clearly seen on the site:(Obviously, do not visit these sites that are in the HTML source).Attempts are then...

DDoS in-a-box!

Lovely little botnet controller we uncovered a while back:There are several Help functions:Roughly translated:Refresh rate, the length of time (in minutes), through which work will be of investment in Gate of commands (more than the less load on the server)Command...