by Alex Eckelberry | Sep 30, 2009 | Uncategorized
A banking Trojan named URLZone (Finjan) exploits a hole in the major browsers on Windows machines to show victims a fake balance on their banking web site as it steals cash and sends it to the account of a money mule, according to Finjan researchers.Victims will...
by Alex Eckelberry | Sep 29, 2009 | Uncategorized
Patrick Jordan found this one today:The rogue Alpha AntiVirus page used to hijack a browser copies the Firefox warning screen:Looks like the Firefox warning page (in Internet Explorer), but with a difference. Clicking leads to this:Which goes to the payment screen:The...
by Alex Eckelberry | Sep 29, 2009 | Uncategorized
Researchers in the Sunbelt Manila office have reported that the entire staff has been accounted for and flood waters are receding. Half the staff members are in their homes and unable to reach the office. The Sunbelt facility is on the 17th floor and has...
by Alex Eckelberry | Sep 29, 2009 | Uncategorized
McAfee Avert Labs is advertising its Focus ’09 conference next month in Washington, D.C.. We find one of the 13 sessions offered on the agenda disturbing:Avert Labs — Malware ExperienceJoin experts from McAfee Avert Labs and have a chance to create a Trojan horse,...
by Alex Eckelberry | Sep 29, 2009 | Uncategorized
I’ve hemmed and hawed about saying anything about Microsoft Security Essentials. However, I’m getting requests as to my position on the issue.Generally, my feelings on MSE are as follows:It is not a Microsoft conspiracy to take over the world, etc. They had to do this...