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Sunbelt Weekly TechTips #45

Like it or Not, 64 Bit is the FutureWindows Server 2008 (formerly and currently known as Longhorn Server) will be Microsoft’s last 32 bit operating system, so get ready to join the 64 bit revolution in the next few years, whether you’re ready or not. We...

Is Your “Me Mail” Driving People Mad?

Most of us send email to lots of different people, for lots of different purposes. We may solicit and conduct business with customers or clients via email. We may communicate with our co-workers, bosses and subordinates. We may chat with family members and friends. We...

TinyURL implements “Preview Feature”

Recently I wrote about the potential danger in services like TinyURL and SnipURL being used to hoist off malware. While this is not a major “run-for-the-hills” threat, you can read some of the reasonings here.Well, TinyURL recently came out with a “Preview” feature,...