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Scam sites update VI

A new batch of Security Scam Hijacker sites, Thanks to Patrick Jordan for the information.Zlob Trojan Distributing site: Wmpware. com77.91.231.201 Newwmpupdate. comScam Internet Security Page: Homesecuresite. com404ErrorpageScam:

New Rogue: PersonalAntiSpy Free

Thanks to Patrick Jordan for the information.PersonalAntiSpy Free is a new rogue security product brought to you by Innovative MarketingPersonalAntiSpy Home Page93.190.139.197 Personalantispy. comTypical fake/Scare scan pageOnce the rogue is installed it annoys with a...

Scam sites update V

The endless supply of Zlob Trojan parades the internet once again with their new scam sites.Zlob Trojan Distributing site: Movsdlls. com77.91.231.183 Mediamswares. comScam Internet Security Page: Asafetysite. com404ErrorpageScam: