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Wow, let’s check out a rollercoaster crash because it happens to be in sick 3D!

Or, you know, it isn’t.

Click to Enlarge

Here we have yet another website asking the end-user to paste some javascript into their browser, using the lure of a completely fictitious video (this time around the site is funtricks-a(dot)info, another variation on the Rollercoaster spam campaign). Hit the button, and Facebook will appear in a new window – if you’re logged in, you’ll start spamming the below message to people that probably aren’t going to like you very much:

Click to Enlarge

Yeah, you’ll be blocked in minutes. Sorry about that.

Amazingly enough, the user has to jump through a few more hoops – I love this one:

Click to Enlarge

“Please verify that you are – helping to protect your identity and personal information”.

Oh ho ho etc.

Hitting the continue button will display a dazzling lack of originality and pop a survey:

It almost makes you wish for the days of dancing purple gorillas on your desktop, doesn’t it?

Christopher Boyd