Sunbelt File Archiver is a natural extension to our Sunbelt Exchange Archiver, which we released late last year. It’s quite a nifty product, actually.
Company hype:
Sunbelt Software … today announced the release of Sunbelt File Archiver™, its new file archiving solution for enterprises. Sunbelt File Archiver (SFA) delivers cost-effective enterprise-grade file archiving for organizations of all sizes, providing administrators with full compliance management for electronic documentation, file server optimization, and advanced disaster recovery management.
SFA provides a simple and reliable method for electronic document management and file archiving to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to optimize business resources. SFA allows administrators to easily configure rules that will determine when, and what, files should be archived. This multi-faceted approach to archiving provides businesses with the flexibility required to effectively manage documents.
Press release here, product page here.
Alex Eckelberry