If you’re curious about the content of my recent talk on the exploits, hacks and phish attacks based around console gaming http://sunbeltblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/are-threats-to-gamers-being-taken.html (specifically, the Xbox 360 console) but don’t have time to listen to the whole Sector.ca presentation – no problem.
I recently did an interview with John Leyden of The Register about just that topic, and you can see the results in a three page article here.
It covers the main points of the talk in detail, and will hopefully give you a better idea of some of the threats out there in console land. There’s a lot more out there than just what I talk about, of course (and as the article notes, I barely touch on PC related gaming threats of which there are many) but it’s a great place to start if you’re interested in the subject.
Chris Boyd