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“Martin”, a reader of this blog, dropped a rather interesting comment on the site today.

It’s a link to a discussing going on today at a webmaster community called crutop.  The forum link is here, and it appears safe enough to browse, although you always visit these at your own risk.

It starts off with one fellow mentioning Suzi at ZDnet’s post on YapBrowser yesterday.

In this forum, we have a fellow by the name of “John Helbert” who apparently represents YapBrowser, and makes this comment (translated from Russian—thanks Anna):

We registered at Zango a couple of months ago, signed a contract and sent them our software to be checked. They checked it and approved it. Meanwhile, our programmers have been writing an engine for the partner program-, but it was never completed.

Our program works in a way that user uses it to check thru FHG (Free Hosted Galleries-ed) for free.  

Here is what happened in the past days – The server where we hosted our sites was using 404 traffic for his own purpose. As you can see they have accumulated CP and exps. We didn’t know about it. We only learned about it from the news. You can see on the video that the user is clicking on the link that takes him to a non-existing page.

I repeat that we in no way are associated to CP (Child Porn—ed). We do not need this because our project is absolutely legal and now we are bombarded with the bad reputation issues.

And, according to Anna, the rest of the forum is basically yelling and blaming.

Feel free to run it through Babelfish. 

All rather interesting.

Alex Eckelberry