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Sunbelt Weekly TechTips #53: How To’s

Vista Mobile Device CenterIf you’re using Vista and you synch your PC with a Windows Mobile Smartphone or Pocket PC, you know that the old ActiveSync program has been replaced by the Mobile Device Center. This makes connecting a mobile device and transferring...

Poste Italiane phishers arrested

Some good news. The first arrests ever in Italy having been carried out for association to commit crimes of phisings, the young hacker confesses: I used to send e-mails from Poste Italiane and entered into the current accounts of my victims from my laptop. The top...

For your weekend viewing pleasure

Some botnet videos on YouTube.Script kiddies showing off botnets: (“i did not do this it was a person i know on his own server.”)(“Msn worm, Controlled via irc. when net was at 21k spreading like 30 bots per second.”)And from the UK, an educational video on being...