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New book by Sunbelt’s creative director

Robert LaFollette, our creative director and a familiar name to faithful blog readers, is the photographer for Twin Lights Publishers upcoming book, Tampa Bay: A Photographic Portrait. It is quite stunning. You can view the book here or pre-order it at Barnes and...

PC Tools slams “top threat” lists

Our friends down under don’t like lists:The problem, according to the Australian company, is that the lists — which are now regularly issued by almost every security software company — measure volumes rather than the underlying danger of a particular type...

People still give passwords for chocolate

Hmmm… if I give her my password, I’ll get chocolate… but maybe a phone number too…Now, considering chocolate in Europe is about 100x better than American chocolate, this may come as no surprise:A survey by Infosecurity Europe of 576 office workers have found that...