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Blogging: what do you call the bad guys?

How about “ass hats”Yesterday in a computer security blog piece (which was taken down overnight), a writer referred to the person who launched malicious code as an “ass hat.” I kind of liked that. It’s a bit opinionated, but probably sums up what everybody thinks of...

The bad guys are going after the Pirates

File-sharing organization Pirate Bay has been controversial for a long time, like maybe the length of its entire existence. It’s been in the news recently because a number of governments are trying to shut it down. That’s a situation ripe for social engineering.Our...

Imitation: the worst form of flattery

In the last week or so, an interesting situation has popped up in console land as scammers continue to exploit trusted names in the gaming industry.A video for the multiplayer of upcoming title “Call of Duty: Black Ops” displayed ingame footage, and (of course) the...

soooooo whats up dude?

WoW account login phishing blitz, that’s what!An avid World of Warcraft player we know has been the target of a phishing attack that’s turned into a blitz krieg – 28 phishing emails in two days. All of them trying to appear as though they were from...