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Have you seen Dancho Danchev?

ZDNet reports on a troubling situation involving a security researcher that’s been a favourite of mine for a long time, Dancho Danchev:Zero Day blogger and malware researcher Dancho Danchev (right) has gone missing since August last year and we have some troubling...

Win7 SP1 (RC) has been released

Microsoft has announced that Windows 7, Service Pack 1 Release Candidate is available for download.“Windows 7 SP1 Release-to-Manufacturing (RTM) will be available in the first half of calendar year 2011. When released, it will be made available as an integrated...

Two infections for the price of one

2GCash and Windows System Optimizator rogue from one fake codec scamToday we came across this fake codec scam that delivered two pieces of malware for those unfortunate enough to stumble across it. The malicious site offers Megan Fox and Carmen Electra sex ...

A guide to picking guides

“I went and checked out your old website at Analyzeguide”“That’s not my old website”“…”A genuine conversation, ladies and gentlemen – and one that resulted in some rogue program shenanigans.As you’ll have guessed from the above conversation, you’ll be wanting to steer...