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Just a quick heads up that there’s a Twitter spamrun targeting mentions of the videogame Bioshock Infinite.The promise: “My friend got Bioshock Infinite free”. Click to EnlargeThe reality:Click to EnlargeA woman doing aeroplane impressions. Of...

Another round of bad ads in Bing

We’re seeing some more bad adverts popping up in Bing – just like the original attack, these results are served with very basic search terms so it’s pretty easy to stumble into one of the bad URLs. The results below appear when searching for...

Lucas Ex Machina: I never asked for this

In-game advertising has been around for a long time (specifically since 1978, when the Scott Adams game ‘Adventureland’ placed a promotional message in the game for his next release ‘Pirate Adventure’, which involved crackers, a parrot and...


I keep getting asked for comments on McAfee/Intel’s new Deepsafe. So what the heck, here goes. This is a great marketing pitch.  But remember that the platform that the technology is based upon, Intel VTx, is an open archictecture that any antivirus company can...