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Our good friend Chris Boyd (aka Paperghost) found a site with massive amounts of porn videos, foisting off fake codecs which are actually zlob trojans coming from objectactivex(dot)com .  It also tries to make itself look like YouTube, calling itself AdultTuba.

Check out the screenshots that Chris was kind enough to share with us (with the nasty stuff blacked-out):




So just what is this site?  It’s called dreamsexy(dot)info.

As Patrick discovered after a little digging around, these guys have been spamming forums with bestpornvideosonline(dot)info which redirects to dreamsexy(dot)info.  You can see this from this google search (don’t click on the links inside the search, please).  

It goes without saying that you should stay clear of this site and the malware it spawns. 

And mad props to PaperGhost.

Alex Eckelberry and Patrick Jordan