Firefox: how much freer can it get?
Alert Sunbelt Blog reader Jesse C alerted us to this one. We’ll just quote his email to describe what’s going on:
“After a fresh install of Windows, I pulled up IE and did a Bing search for ‘firefox.’ The *sponsored* result at the very top of the list is from ‘’, which seems to want to install something called ‘hotbar’ along with a cluster of other seedy looking things, all to get something that’s already free!”
Yep, it was still there this morning:
VIPRE detects it as Trojan.HTML.FakeAlert.e (v)
Thanks Jesse C
Tom Kelchner
Update 4:30 p.m. (Eastern):
The Bing folks appear to have fixed the problem. We had reports of a fix as early as 2:30 p.m.