One of the free services we’ve been offering IT professionals for years is our user forums. Focused on IT issues, they are valuable if you’re job is running a network, or if you’re involved in network security. We have a lot of professional on these forums and some of these lists are very active.
The most active lists are the NTSYSADMIN list and MS Exchange Management Issues. These are a good starting point for someone who wants to get into communication on general IT issues.
NTSYSADMIN Subscribe Read Charter/Login
5,100+ Members – Sunbelt Software hosts this list to invite the free and open discussion of Windows NT System Administration Issues. This list is intended to be a forum to discuss how to keep NT Servers up and running in a production environment. NOTE: High Traffic
MS Exchange Management Issues Subscribe Read Charter/Login
3,600+ Members – Sunbelt Software hosts this list to invite the free and open discussion of Microsoft Exchange Administration Issues. This list is intended to be a forum to discuss how to keep Exchange up & running in a production environment, and as help to pass the Exchange Certification Exams. NOTE: High Traffic
Feel free to join one of our lists. A full description of all the lists is here.
Alex Eckelberry