Sorry, I don’t read Italian!
Turns out my earlier blog post about Sony being sued was a little off. What happened is ALCEI-EFI, an Italian group, filed a complaint with the police about Sony’s practices. That’s different than suing Sony.
From ComputerWorld:
On Friday, the Milan-based ALCEI-EFI (Association for Freedom in Electronic Interactive Communications – Electronic Frontiers Italy) filed a complaint about Sony’s software with the head of Italy’s cybercrime investigation unit, Col. Umberto Rapetto of the Guardia di Finanza.
The ALCEI-EF Italian press release here, the complaint here. ComputerWorld article here. The original sources for my blog: the Inquirer story here as and techdirt here still report this as a lawsuit.
Note that techdirt does link to a story that mentions that:
Now the lawyers are taking aim, too. Robert Green, a partner at the San Francisco firm of Green Welling, says he’s readying a class action lawsuit against Sony.
“We’re still investigating the case and talking to different people about what happened to them,” Green said on Friday. He plans to argue that under California law, if you buy a copy-protected CD from a music store, you should be informed that a spyware-like utility will be implanted on your hard drive.
Alex Eckelberry