This came to me recently: A site threatening to sue us because we scan for their cookies in CounterSpy:
Company: Searchalot, Inc.
Company website: Contact name:
Gerald ODea
Product name affected: Product versions
affected: All Product is detected as: Cookie?
Software can be downloaded here: None
Brief description of software:
No software, and our site has absoultely no cookies. Please remove it
from your list or we will need to pursue this further with our law
firm, and you’ll be responsible for all of our legal fees.
Reason for submission:
to remove the site from your list as having some type
of bad cookie. we set no cookies on the site, so your description is
absoultely incorrect and it causing us to lose users. We will use the
emails from users having a concern about using our site, because of
your software, as evidence of lost revenue, and we will definitely
prevail in court.
Needless to say, they’re right, they have stopped pushing cookies pushed from that site, so we have taken them off.
But the idea of suing us because we scan for their cookies is just… out there. They need to listen to CookieMonstor disco and relax…
Alex Eckelberry