Ben Edelman recently gave a presentation at Ad:Tech, a conference for online marketing folks.
Suzi Turner sent me a link to something that Elizabeth Hines at adBUMb (a newsletter for online marketing) had to say about Ben’s presentation:
“…I have to give Ben Edelman a nod for his extraordinarily good and detailed presentation on Spyware, which he delivered on Tuesday afternoon during lunch. For some reason this event was never listed in the ad:tech program, which is a shame; every single one of the conference attendees could have stood to hear what Edelman had to say—whether to educate themselves on the danger that Spyware poses to the industry at large, or to defend themselves against the claims he’s made about ad networks’ and affilates’ role in promulgating Spyware (at least one company with a staff member in attendance—Commission Junction—tried to do just that, with somewhat middling success).”
adBUMb link here.
Ben’s Powerpoint presentation is, in fact, outstanding and you can see it here.
Alex Eckelberry