Just how does the NSA do the whole wiretapping thing, anyway? From USA Today:
The National Security Agency has secured the cooperation of large telecommunications companies, including AT&T, MCI and Sprint, in its efforts to eavesdrop without warrants on international calls by suspected terrorists, according to seven telecommunications executives.
More here via Martin McKeay.
But curious about security at the NSA? Open source all the way! From Xavier Ashe (who looked at the picture below and surmised what was running):
So what are the super secret tools that the NSA uses? dShield, Ethereal, Nessus, Nmap, Cain & Abel, Metasploit, Snort, and Kismet. Good to know that our government supports open source projects… or maybe they just like free tools.
Click here for the pic. And here for the source Washington Posts article.
Alex Eckelberry