Gartner has said that the new Google Desktop 3 has security risks for enterprise customers, and Google explains more:
Google told ZDNet UK on Monday that it recognized the risk, and recommended that companies take action. “We recognize that this is a big issue for enterprise. Yes, it’s a risk, and we understand that businesses may be concerned,” said Andy Ku, European marketing manager for Google.
Google confirmed to ZDNet UK that data was temporarily transported outside of businesses when the Search Across Computers feature was used, and that this represented “as much of a security risk as e-mail does.”
“Theoretically any intellectual property can be transferred outside of a company,” Ku said. “We understand that there are a lot of security concerns about the Search Across Computers feature, but Google won’t hold information unless the user or enterprise opts in (to the feature).”
If you’re concerned, just disable the Search Across Computers feature.
Link here.
Alex Eckelberry
Correction: The “search across computers” feature comes disabled and the user needs to change the settings so it is associated with their Google Account, if they have one.