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Based on a settlement with the Luddites, Grokster has moved offline, shutting down its service.

It’s website says:

The United States Supreme Court unanimously confirmed that using this service to trade copyrighted material is illegal. Copying copyrighted motion picture and music files using unauthorized peer-to-peer services is illegal and is prosecuted by copyright owners.

There are legal services for downloading music and movies. This service is not one of them. 

Grokster hopes to have a safe and legal service available soon.

The new Grokster, called Grokster 3G, is at a new website.  It promises:

A safe, secure & legal P2P experience…

NO Adware
NO Spyware
NO Bundles!
NO Viruses
NO Hassle
Just the best of what P2P has to offer.

You can signup for the beta of the new Grokster by sending an email to them.

The Luddites crow:

Mitch Bainwol, RIAA chief executive, said in a statement on Monday: “This settlement brings to a close an incredibly significant chapter in the story of digital music. At the end of the day, this is about our ability to invest in new music. An online marketplace populated by legitimate services allows us to do just that.”

MSNBC story here.  Luddite propoganda here.


Alex Eckelberry