As many of you know, there is proof of concept code for a recently published IE vulnerability in the wild.
From SANS:
Folks, as Lorna predicted yesterday, it didn’t take long for the exploits to appear for that IE vulnerability. One has been making the rounds that pops the calculator up (no, I’m not going to point you to the PoC code, it is easy enough to find if you read any of the standard mailing lists), but it is a relatively trivial mod to turn that into something more destructive (in fact one of our readers, Matt Davis, has provided us with a version that he created that is more destructive). For that reason, we’re raising Infocon to yellow for the next 24 hours.
As SANs says, Microsoft recommends turning off Active Scripting. You can also switch to Firefox or Opera.
We are watching very carefully out there for any sites using this exploit.
Alex Eckelberry