We’ve known this for a long time, but now it’s statistically confirmed. At Tech Ed, Microsoft lavishes all kinds of food (much of it candy and junk) on the attendees. If you haven’t gone, it’s quite an experience — there is food everywhere. You could basically float through the show on a massive sugar high.
So, realizing that this show only had about 13,000 people attending it, here are the official food stats for TechEd:
- More than 1,250,000 pieces of Mikes and Ikes were consumed over the course of the week.
- 83,700 ice cream novelty bars and fruit and yogurt bars were served.
- 60,000 (or 5,000 dozen) eggs were eaten by attendees at breakfast.
- At least 1.6 million ounces of coffee were poured.
- More than 50,000 pounds of carbohydrates were consumed at Tech·Ed (Atkins who?).
- 7,500 table cloths were used and reset on a daily basis.
But the health conscious where there in force. Salads and water were consumed:
- The total amount of fruit ordered for this week would fill three-quarters of a full-size tractor trailer.
- 18,750 pounds of salad were prepared and offered at meals.
- It took four tractor trailer trucks to transport the 150,000 bottles of water that were consumed this week.
Alex Eckelberry
(Thanks Scott, who got this off of Microsoft’s TechEd site for attendees)