Some idle Tuesday-afternoon humor: Slashdot has a post that “the Linux-sponsored Indy 500 car had a rough day at the track this weekend: it was the first car to crash on the track and finished dead last. Joost sponsored a car that came in a respectable seventh.”
No one was hurt, thankfully.
Of course, this brought forth quite a bit of geek humor. Some selections:
The immediately obvious: “It crashed because of a bad driver.”
The Vista Jab: “In other news the Windows Vista car was slow off the line, but the car looked good and the driver was heard screaming “accept” as the car lurched forward and stopped every time he used the accelerator.”
The Vista Jab #2: “You are trying to brake to avoid a deadly accident. Cancel or al…”
The obscure: “Turns out the driver crashed due to a race condition.”
The obscure #2: “I blame the WINE.”
The anthropomorphic: “The penguin couldn’t see over the dashboard.”
The anthropomorphic #2: “… meanwhile, the Microsoft car was seen slinking away from the scene with a guilty look on its face.”
And so on.
Alex Eckelberry