How much freer can it get?
Like a lot of seedy stuff, this started with a Twitter post:
The current working version of Mozilla’s Firefox browser is 3.6.8. Version 4 is in beta testing. You get them FREE from Mozilla.
(click to enlarge)
Why would you need a crack (program with its password broken) or a keygen (application that generates a password for a password-protected program) for something that is FREE?
Well, there’s a sucker born every minute and the folks at this warez (pirated software) site are betting there are a lot of them using Twitter.
Anybody who was unwise enough to bite on this, (if they were running VIPRE) would see this when they hit the download button for the crack or the keygen:
The crack and keygen were infected with a Trojan downloader VirTool.Win32.Obfuscator.hg!b (v). That’s the Sunbelt detection for an old standard commonly known as “2GCash-FakeCrackSerial.”
Clicking the button to downloading Firefox 4.0 takes the potential victim to another site:
That one offers a whole nest of things to download that are infected with:
Thanks Patrick
Tom Kelchner