Insanely, the world’s second most popular browser
Microsoft actually has someone in charge of moving millions of Internet Explorer 6 users to a version of the browser that is safer. Ryan Gavin, the head of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer business group told PCPro “Part of my job is to get IE6 share down to zero as soon as possible.”
See PCPro story: “Microsoft man: ‘My job is to destroy IE6’”
NetMarketShare lists the top browsers in use as:
Data here:
We blogged about the horrible insecurity of Internet Explorer 6 in February: “Are you reading this with Internet Explorer 6”
According to a piece on the Mozilla Blog Jan. 22, a huge number of IE6 installations continue to be used in China where even government and bank web sites are not viewable with anything else and web developers charge extra to design pages that can be seen with more recent IE versions.
See Mozilla blog: “China’s Strange Fixation on IE6”
Tom Kelchner