In our research, we have come across some interesting photos of a festival of debauchery in Prague, hosted by online marketer Klik Revenue. This is the group identified with several antispyware programs a as well as a number of other online ventures, such as travel, pay-per-click affiliate advertising, online ads, domain registration, and other such things.
It all started with an invitation for a big party in the “very heart of Europe” in October for their top affiliates (Borat Bebefish translated PDF text here). A number of prizes were to be given out, including a Mercedes C-Class, Nokia 8800s, Sony T9s and Sony Vaios (graphic here).
Well, the party was a blowout success. Situated in a beautiful castle converted to a hotel in Prague, it featured two days of strippers, piles of loot, lots of drinking and, of course, a paintball game! All that was missing was Scarface-style bowls of cocaine.
Some of the pictures are racy, and we’ve had to do some editing (we do try to keep this blog no worse than PG-13!). In several cases, we have simply not included pictures that are quite inappropriate.
It starts with a beautiful hotel in Prague.
The Mercedes giveaway
This t-shirt advertises the various Klik Revenue properties.
Some strippers to show off the Mercedes.
A visit by the “FBI”
Yes, those are condoms. Why? I have no idea.
A full photo album is available here (viewer discretion advised).
Sunbelt Research Team