New run, targets Yahoo advertisers (Yahoo’s service is similar Adwords).
Sample text:
Update Account Alert Notification !
Dear Advertiser,
Account Notification: Account ‘Yahoo! Inc’ [2233234322] has stopped displaying ads at this time because the account balance has reached zero.
For more information regarding this alert, please log into your account at: (spoofed Yahoo link) and click the “View All” link in the Alerts panel. For additional help, please visit our Help Center.
Your Partners at Yahoo! Search Marketing
Failure to login and update your information may lead in deactivating you account.
Please do not respond directly to this email, as we are unable to receive replies at this address. To contact Yahoo! Customer Support, please log into your account at (spoofed Yahoo link) and click the Customer Support link in the upper right of the page.
Copyright ©2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Clicking brings up a Yahoo Search Marketing screen:
Sample site:
adui-marketing-source net/
Alex Eckelberry
(Thanks to Kevin Lee)