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PR people do funny things, especially when it comes to computers, email and the Internet in general.

Take this one PR person, who spammed the world for an antispam company:

In this instance, however, the mass mailing was readily apparent to all because the “To:” field of the e-mail was populated by 116 clearly visible names — our 11 staffers, the three exes, and 102 other journalists. 
And if that wasn’t enough to convince every targeted scribe that he or she was getting a less-than-exclusive interview opportunity, there was this personalized method of address:
“Hello [RecipientFirstName]:”

Remember:  This is an antispam product being promoted.  Link here via /.

Then another one, who made misspellings in a press release, that was for a company that, umm, corrects typos and mispellings.

A company that sells software to correct irritating Internet spelling mistakes has reissued its latest news release to correct a minor snafu.

TextTrust, which says it focuses on “eliminating the negative text impressions on Web sites,” re-released a Tuesday news release to correct a mistake that listed the most common spelling errors on “the 16 million we (sic) pages it has spell checked over the past year.”

To which the company rep responded bravely (and contritely):

It’s very embarrassing,” said Pat Brink, PR consultant for the Toronto-based company. “I made the mistake, not TextTrust — they do a much better job, It’s certainly egg on the face of this public relations person.”

Link here (thanks Catherine).

(Of course, I’ve never made mistakes like this).

Alex Eckelberry