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We’re not the first to report this (Bleeping Computer has it already).  However, it’s worth noting Trust Cleaner as another rogue antispyware app.


It even features a fake Google hijacked page…


All on the same IP address:

mswindowssearch. com  — the location of the hijacked Google page.
trustcleaner. com and trustinbar. com — where you can get Trust Cleaner.

And some more:

813aw0nr01jsxfj374ca. com
adelinatech. com
adsforsite. com
azebar. com
blablablablablablablablabla. com
fandl. net
finditanyway. com
globosoft. info
googlecaches. com
trustclicks. com
trustincash. com
trustincontextual. com
trustinpopups. com
trustinsearch. com

Alex Eckelberry