(Picture credit – AP)
Readers of this blog may recall Julie Amero, the substitute teacher who narrowly escaped four felony charges.
Now, things have certainly taken a turn for the worse. Her husband, Wes (pictured above), is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Wes is a really good man — one of the many quiet, caring men that shoulder the burdens of this world with stoic and sometimes tragic courage. He has stood by Julie through thick and thin and it’s just horrible to see this happening.
A recent benefit netted some cash, which is helpful. But it’s cancer, and it’s pretty devastating on the finances…
He recently sent me this email and gave me permission to post it:
I wish I could be sending this e-mail on a cheerier subject, but that isn’t the case. It’s always harder to tell bad news to the ones you love the most. As you have heard, I have terminal cancer with an original life expectancy of about one more week ( at best ). But following true to course, I never listen to anyone or anything when it comes to something that I don’t want to hear. I’ve never backed down from a good fight in my life and I’m not about to start now. I am going to beat this horrible disease.
I’m feeling like I’ve been run over by a bus, but hey, even some of them survive. The doctors and some good friends are making me comfortable with lots of drugs, but sometimes I feel like Alice in Wonderland, you know the song – ( one pill makes you larger and one makes you small, but the ones that mother gives you don’t do anything at all) . I’m down to fighting weight now (195 lbs), I’ve lost almost 50 lbs and everyone says I look good, and I figure that they are saying that in the context for a guy that’s supposed to be dead now. Their words of encouragement help me through some of the the really tough times because I need to stay alive for Julie, I don’t think she will last long when I’m gone even though she seems to listen to me when I tell her that she must continue to live on in the aftermath of my death. She is handling this like a trooper, but there is only so much she can handle. She can never work again, and we are in the final stage of appealing her social security case, but that will only go so far when and if she gets it. Her spirits are middling and the benefit that Herb is putting on will help ease her mind about being left behind with a ton of hospital and doctor bills.I haven’t posted a new blog or opened up a new PayPal account, they just have not been on the top of my list of things that HAVE to be done. Herb has worked very hard on putting this benefit together and I might add ALL on his own. The money he will raise will most certainly help out with the bills, but I doubt very much that a meal at $10.00 dollars a head will generate the kind of funds that are needed to settle these hospital and doctor bills. I talked with him last night and again this morning. He said that you are doing something on your end, but that you needed a PayPal account and a blog. The only PayPal account we have is Julies, and there is still an icon on her blog page about half way down that works. The link is below, and any and all contributions would be graciously accepted and appreciated, and after all, the money will be spent to keep her solvent and not end up having to sell the house just to pay off my bills. I have saved enough money to pay off the house when I die, but I didn’t see this cancer thing coming.Alex, I feel terrible about having to ask for money. I wasn’t raised that way, but I wasn’t raised to think about dying of cancer either. So if you have contacts that are still willing to contribute to Julie, please do what you can to help her out (again).
If you can contribute, please do. The original PayPal account for Julie’s defense fund is still active, and donations can be made here.
Alex Eckelberry