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How can you download more than two things at a time with IE?
Internet Explorer limits you to two download sessions in order to comply with RFC 2068, an Internet standard. You can also have one queued download. This standard originally made sense because spreading the bandwidth between multiple downloads would cause them all to be very slow. However, these days many folks have access to ultra high speed Internet connections via cable and fiber optic, up to 10, 20 or 30 Mbps. That means it’s now feasible to have many downloads going at the same time. You can edit the registry to change the limit. Here’s how to set IE to allow ten download sessions:

  1. Open the Registry editor and navigate tot eh following key:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings
  2. Click Edit and select New, then click DWORD Value.
  3. Name the new value MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server.
  4. Double click it and give it a value of 10 (Decimal).
  5. Click Edit | New again and click DWORD Value.
  6. Name the second new value MaxConnectionsPerServer.
  7. Double click it and give it, too, a value of 10 (Decimal).
  8. Close the registry editor.

As always, take care when editing the registry and back up your registry first.

Can’t access WebDAV folders from XP computers
The WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) protocol is used to allow users to create, change and move documents on a remote Web server. If you get error messages when you try to access WebDAV web folders using your XP computer, it may be because the WebDAV folder contains more files than XP allows. The error message you get depends on how you try to access the folder, but may include Error 31, a “disk is not formatted” error or a “folder is not accessible” error. The good news is that you can edit the registry to enable XP to allow larger maximum file count. For detailed instructions on how to do so, see KB article 912152 here.

Can’t play licensed content in WMP after removing SP2
So you uninstalled XP Service Pack 2 and it took your ability to play some of your licensed media content goes with it, even though you were able to play it before. This only happens in specific circumstances: when you’ve upgraded from Windows 2000 to XP, installed XP SP2, and then removed SP2. Luckily, there is a way to ensure that your licensed content is still available to WMP after removing SP2. Instructions are in KB article 843020 here.

How to protect yourself from spoofed Web sites
A spoofed site is one that appears to belong to a particular organization or individual but really belongs to someone else. Spoofed sites hide their true identities in several ways, including by disguising their URLs. There are ways that you can protect yourself from spoofed sites (and the malicious hyperlinks that may lead to them). Get the full scoop in KB article 833786 here.

Deb Shinder