Free AD browser
Nice Windows freeware AD browsing with self-service and optional chat. Easy to deploy via GP Software Installation and ADM template. Link here.
Process killer
This little tool shows you which process locks a file and allows you to kill that process. Quite useful! Appropriately named “Who Lock Me”. Link here.
Expert Q&A: Founder Shares Thoughts
In this expert interview, read the thoughts of Alessandro Perilli, the Internet’s most well-known virtualization advocate and author of the popular blog. Learn what he had to say about the next big technology shifts in the virtualization arena, what Xen has to do to compete with VMware and ways to learn more about virtualization. At
Top 10 SQL Server Security Tips
Password cracking and SQL Server hacking tips topped the list of favorites on during the first half of 2006. View all of the top 10 tips that piqued reader’s SQL Server security interests. Some of the tips you will find include: ten hacker tricks to exploit SQL Server systems, discover and lock down vulnerable SQL Server services, and password cracking tools for SQL Server. At (free registration required).
Add Gigabytes By Reducing Disk Space For XP’s System Restore
Perhaps the fastest way to a few gigabytes more on a disk is to reduce the amount of disk space devoted to XP’s System Restore feature. Learn more in this tip.
VMware On Mac Will Do Little To Ease Desktop Management Pain
VMware Mac product will not impact desktop management or help standardize platforms in heterogeneous shops. Read more in this article.
When ActiveSync Won’t Download Mailbox Items To Mobile Devices
One of the toughest problems to troubleshoot is when Exchange ActiveSync won’t download mailbox items to a portable device. In this tip, contributor Serdar Yegulalp outlines the potential causes. At the SearchExchange site.
New: Draft Guidelines on Electronic Mail Security
The Computer Security Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology has come out with a number of draft publications. One of these, SP 800-45A, “Guidelines on Electronic Mail Security,” is intended to aid organizations in the installation, configuration, and maintenance of secure mail servers and mail clients.” It’s a 143-page document with an awesome amount of really useful information. Link here.
Microsoft, Cisco Release NAP/NAC Roadmap
Microsoft and Cisco released plans on just how they would make their competing security architectures interoperable. At the Security Standard conference in Boston this week, they demonstrated an architecture that will enable interoperability between Cisco’s Network Admission Control and Microsoft’s Network Access Protection technology. The two had promised interoperability between their network access security offerings two years ago. They plan beta testing of the architecture by the end of the year. General availability is expected in the second half of 2007, following the launch of Microsoft’s “Longhorn” Server. More at