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Restore XP after upgrading to Vista
Okay, so you upgraded your XP computer to Vista and you don’t like the new OS. It happens. But you may be able to restore your computer to the previous version of Windows without having to format the hard disk and install XP from scratch – if your XP installation was saved in a Windows.OLD folder. It’s a fairly long process, but not too difficult if you carefully follow the step by step instructions in KB article 933168.

Low performance on high performance video card
If you have a Vista computer with a high end (and high dollar) multiple GPU video card but you’re not getting the kind of performance you have a right to expect from such a card, it might be because the OS isn’t forwarding driver- rend requests to the secondary GPU. Luckily, there’s a hot fix for this, but you have to call Microsoft Customer Support Services to get it. To find out more, see KB article 936710.

Deb Shinder