If you’ve been tracking this blog, you’ve seen a number of examples of rogue antispyware products trying to install on people’s system — including through the WMF exploit. My disgust is utter and complete at these types of marketing practices.
Now, two of these fraudsters have been nailed by the FTC: SpywareAssasin and SpyKiller.
The scans invariably told consumers their computers were infested with spyware, whether they actually were or not. Consumers who freaked out and paid the $30 for the software were no better off after having done so, the FTC said, because the “protection” software was a worthless pile of garbage.
Link here.
Spyaxe, SpySherrif, WinFixer and all the rest — you’re in for your day in court. Better get packing.
Remember, you can see a comprehensive list of rogue antispyware products at SpywareWarrior.
And while we’re at it, let’s not forget that a couple of legitimate antispyware companies are playing on the edge by offering “free” scans and then requiring the users to pay to remove what’s found. Not cool, but it certainly results in larger “conversion rates”, which is where the scramble is in online marketing of antispyware apps these days.
Alex Eckelberry